MS Office Advanced: What are your needs?

We will gladly send you our detailed tables of contents for your information. During your course many examples will be covered.

Since 2020, all training courses have also been offered as webinars with MS Teams.


Functions: such as: If, And, Or, Vlookup, Number, Nested functions, Pivot, Scenario, Charts, Partial results, Filters, Macros, Cell protection, Grouping, etc.


Collaboration of different Outlook modules, conditional formatting, categories, rules, email tracking, tasks, meetings, substitutions, tips and tricks, etc.


Section formats, style sheets, serial letters, creating long documents, creating online templates and forms, working with tables, developer tools, etc.


Create templates, slide master, drawing, diagrams, organizational charts, animations, hyperlinks, speaker view, image editing, creating and editing videos, tips and tricks, etc.